As I’m sure many of you know, a lot can happen in 7 months, but it’s also such a short period of time. Yesterday Wes turned 7 months old and I’m just in awe of how fast the time has flown and how much he’s grown up since he was born.
My little dude is so full of life and energy these days, constantly on the move and always exploring. I think his biggest struggle is that he’s not crawling yet and therefore not able to move on his own – but all he really wants to do is walk! If we’re helping hold him up he’s taking big steps on his own and propelling himself forward like a little man. When he’s in his exersaucer he’s stomping around, moving from side to side and otherwise making as much noise as he can. I honestly don’t know if he’s even going to crawl or just go straight to walking!
Another thing to note: still no teeth. Not that I’m really that upset about it, but I just wonder when they’re start to make their appearance. It seems like he’s been drooling and chewing and showing signs of teething for at least 3 months now, and still no sign of pearly whites. Word on the street is that the longer it takes a kiddo to sprout teeth the stronger their teeth will be, so here’s hoping that his are made of steel!
The move was kind of hard on him, mainly in the sleep department. Everything was thrown off and he was living out of his pack and play for a couple weeks, which was certainly not easy. But now he seems to be back on his normal schedule again – going to sleep around 6:30-7pm, waking up once around 3am, and then waking up for good at about 7:30 or so. I’m actually really thankful that he has such a consistent routine, although I need to learn to go to bed at a decent hour instead of staying up late. That 3am wake-up call is a doozy sometimes!
Lately he’s really been noticing the dogs more and more, cracking up whenever they happen to walk by. They both seem to really like Wes, although they’re a little shy around those grabby hands. They’ve given him nothing but kisses though and continue to be protective of him and our space. I am so excited to teach Wes to love animals and be gentle with them. He seems to already have the love part down!
A couple of new developments this month:
- noises. This boy is exploring his voice and all of the noises that he can make. It’s pretty hilarious actually – he grunts, he growls, he shrieks, he laughs, he clicks his tongue. Any time he figures out a new noise he’ll do it all day every day until the next noise appears!
- splashing. Bathtime has always consisted of him just laying/sitting there while we bathe him but the other day he started wildly waving his arms around and figured out that he can splash too. I have a feeling it’s all over now, and that his wiggles will only make bathtime harder. But when he’s having that much fun I can’t help but just try to keep the water warm so that he can play as much as he wants.
- eating. He’s been such a great eater, but I am just amazed every day at the amount of food he can put away and how much he seems to really enjoy eating. So far the only food he hasn’t liked is broccoli, but the rest he will eat all day long. We’ve also started to introduce pinches of spices to his food – cinnamon, garlic powder, oregano and a touch of basil. He always makes a face and then lunges at the spoon for more!
- sippy cups and bottles. We have always tried to give him a bottle a day (suggested by our Colorado pediatrician) so that he will always take one, but now he really prefers to feed it to himself. Milk or formula gets everywhere and he drops the bottle several times, but he loves it and will just lay there so sweetly while he eats. The sippy cups are favorites to chew on – I don’t think he gets the concept just yet – but I’m sure they’ll be a big hit soon.
- clothes. Wes is now in 12 month clothes and I’m amazed at how much he is growing. I don’t think we’re going to have a small kiddo on our hands and I’m sure he’ll be staring down at me before I know it!
The newest thing happened yesterday – he started using a pincer grasp for the first time! I gave him little pieces of bread to play with and he started picking them up and sticking them in his mouth with his pincer immediately. Talk about a proud momma! 🙂
So there you have it. 7 months of life change all rolled into one little blond-haired blue-eyed cutie bug. 7 months of learning who I am as a mom and who Nate is as a dad. 7 months of feeling every day like my heart could literally just burst from all the love.
If you ask me 7 months is pretty darn perfect 🙂
So cute! Ella has 5 teeth crazy. She just learned how to stand up and pull herself up – might be good that he is not crawling yet, Ella goes right for our dog and stats pulling his hair 🙂 I am so glad our dog just licks her back 🙂
Wow…time flies!Weston is such a cutie, and he looks like both you and Nate!
Oh my goodness! It just all happens so fast.
He is so cute !! And he’s a perfect mix between you and your husband, it’s incredible !!
For teeth, don’t worry, mine didn’t have teeth very early too. It can happen between 4th and 8th month but there’s no problem if they come after.
My mother in law told me, years ago, while I was worrying about those “no teeth mouth” :
“Believe me … I’ve never seen a child without teeth. Never !”
She was right. 😉
ha! your mother in law is right, and i didn’t think about that 🙂
So adorable! My boys did not get teeth until they were ten months. Then it was if they got them all at once. My oldest got the front 4 in the same week! They will be here soon. I too cannot believe how faast he is changing and growning up. Hope you are settling into your new home!
that’s such a relief to know that other kiddos got their teeth in later – not that he would be toothless, but i worry about everything!
My daughter had been drooling like crazy for MONTHS, & I had been searching her mouth for her 1st tooth for just as long. She finally got her 1st tooth, started crawling, & pulled herself up to standing all in the same week! It was a BIG week! 🙂 She was 8-1/2 months.
wow, that is a huge week! honestly i have a feeling that’s how it’s going to be with Wes too…he seems to have a bunch of developments all at once rather than spreading them out!
7 months is great….just wait for 10. it was always my favorite!
i love that face. it’s precious! 7 months already? wow!! I bet his teeth are gonna be able to chew through rubber. hehe. Praying this transition in the new house gets better, more sleep.
thanks sweetheart 🙂 last night was a doozy – he woke up 3 times! i think i may have jinxed myself with this post…
So much hair! He’s looking so big!
What a little cutie pie! My nephew just turned 2 1/2 months and I already can’t believe how much he has grown! I love that Halloween bib 🙂
What a cutie! Mine’s 9 months & no teeth here either!
i have a feeling that’s how it’s going to be with Wes! i don’t feel so alone now though 🙂