This kid, y’all. He is such a ham and I just can’t even handle it!
Seven months has flown by which, if you’d asked me a few months ago, I never would have expected. I know I’ve mentioned it a few times but getting used to two kids was a massive challenge in the beginning. Guess what? It’s still a challenge, but more and more one that I’m adjusting to. Let’s just say that their cuteness always works in their favor 😉
At seven months old this boy doesn’t hold still for anyone or anything. Diapering has become a 10-minute process that results in just short of some kind of intricate wrestling hold to fasten the sides, with him giggling the whole time. I set him on the floor the other day, walked into the kitchen for literally 3 seconds, and then when I came back he was 10 feet from where I put him and wedged under a miniature trampoline. I think I’m going to have my work cut out for me the more mobile this cutie gets!
This month he got his first cold, which was the saddest ever, and then simultaneously decided to cut another tooth. He now has three teeth with his top two still making their way down. I’d be shocked if he didn’t have 8 by the time he’s 8 months! This is yet another example of not comparing the two boys and the way they develop, because W didn’t even have teeth until he was 9 months old or so, and turned one with only two of them. Everything is just slightly different, and it’s good for me to be reminded of that.
Food is going well! He’s been a bit slower to enjoy solids than W was, but now he starts to get worked up from excitement when he sees his spoons and chair ready for a meal. We’re going to start him on Level 2 foods this weekend, which means I’ll probably start making some of my own combinations as well. He’s still getting all of his nutrient needs through nursing and/or formula, but seeing him try and enjoy new foods is so fun!
Sleep. Oh sleep. I keep reminding myself that one day I will sleep again, but alas it is probably not this day, and not likely tomorrow either. It seems like every time we start to get on a roll with sleeping better, something (like a cold or teeth) comes up and we’re back to square one again. I swear we’ve tried every method and recommendation out there, but homeskillet likes to nurse in the middle of the night and I guess I’m just reluctant to totally give that up. He’s taking a full feeding, and it was around this time with W that my supply started to drop drastically so I’m holding on as long as I can! One day, though, one day I will actually be a rested human being again.
The boys are so much more aware of one another, just in the past two weeks, and W loves making A laugh as often as he can. No one can make this little nugget belly laugh as well as his brother can! We try to go out on little adventures every day, and one of A’s favorite things in the world is being held upside down. He gets the biggest grin on his face and his eyes light up – it’s hilarious to see! He is just such a ham, and I adore it. The more I learn about his little personality the more I just love the heck out of him.
Postpartum life for me is going well, especially now that I’ve figured out how to let go a little more. I think that’s the key to being a mom in general – whether it’s your first baby or your last – is letting go of your own expectations and having a high level of grace for everyone. Grace for you, grace for your kid(s), grace for your husband, grace for the neighbor that without fail mows his yard during nap time at least twice a week. Grace for the dogs that go nuts at the mailman, the local squirrel, that tiny fly that landed on that blade of grass. Grace for the fact that I ate too many cookies and now feel sick from the sugar high. Grace for it all – because otherwise you’ll just be miserable.
A, I can’t wait to see what you’re like in a month and I can’t wait to see what you’re like in a decade. You’re such a bright light in our family, a blessing beyond what we ever hoped for or imagined. You are hilarious, sweet, strong, smart, and have quite the palate as well. I love you more than words sweet boy!
Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama says
OMG!!! He is adorable!!! <3
XxOo Tasha