Today is my boy’s last day of preschool. And I don’t just mean for the summer.
I mean F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
The emotion of it all hasn’t set in just yet, although I’m sure this weekend you can find me with mascara haphazardly running down my face from the tears. I can’t believe he’s almost a Kindergartener – I just can’t!
My goal this summer is to really soak up the free time with my boys as much as possible, because once the school year hits it’s going to be nuts. I think about the free time that I have with W right now and know that moving forward everything will have to be infinitely more intentional. Certainly not a bad thing, but a change from our current normal for sure!
With summer literally only a few hours away I’ve been looking at different activities to do with my boys that would be fun, good for learning on different levels, and not expensive. We definitely plan on being outside as much as possible, so much so that I’ve stocked up on sunscreen and have been killing it cleaning up our yard for the past couple of days. I also know that I have quite the bit of cleaning to do inside as well, putting away winter coats and shoes, sorting through school projects that have been brought home, and paring down our wardrobes to the things we really only need during the summertime. I know once the dust settles on all of that, though, I’ll be frantically looking for ways to entertain the kids sans screen time!
Thank goodness for Pinterest is all I have to say about that 🙂
Below are the 5 things we’ll be starting with, although Lord knows I’ll be looking for more a week later. Hopefully this helps out a fellow mama!
WACKY SACKS. Balloons filled with Play Doh, which we have aplenty at our house. I’m a little iffy on pulling this one off, but it could be really fun!
KOOL-AID ROCK CANDY. Anything where I tell the boys we’re making candy will probably go over well, plus I like that you could take a science-y spin with this one. Also? So cheap!
MUDDY TRUCKS & CAR WASH. Two things my boys are obsessed with = I have a feeling this one will be a huge win. I might even be able to read a book for 5 uninterrupted minutes…!
A WHOLE LIST OF OUTDOOR MATH ACTIVITIES. Yep, I’ll be doing all of these!
PAINTED TREASURE ROCKS. But only if I can convince them to keep the rocks long enough to do the actual project.
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