I’ve waffled back and forth about sharing this post with you guys, mainly because if I put things out there then there’s an expectation of follow through. That’s scary because I have some big goals this year (some of which I won’t be sharing the details of here) and I need to follow through, but then I have to leave the comfortable behind and actually start going after stuff.
So without further ado the word that I settled on as a theme for 2018 is this: GUMPTION. A mix of courage, intuition, resourcefulness, spirit, and imagination. A word that embodies so many of the qualities it takes to be a mother and wife, a creative entrepreneur, a business owner, a friend and sister and daughter. It takes gumption, and my goal is to be full of it by year’s end!
I tried to break down my goals a little more and really get to the heart of them. Why do I care about these goals? What do they mean to me? What will be better about my life and the lives of others if (when) they come to fruition? And it all comes down to living a life with less stuff, fewer fillers, and more substance. More of the good stuff – time with my family, serving others, a deeper relationship with the Lord – and less of the things that I just need to be saying no to.
I have a goal of reading the Bible in a year because I know that immersing myself in the Word can only bring me closer to God. And when I’m closer to God that means I’ll be a better woman in every circumstance with a focus on Him. I have a goal of also reading 2 books per month to really develop myself as a leader, a smarter worker, and to challenge myself to do more than I think is possible. I have a goal of waking up at 5am every morning and using that time as space to do my business-building activities first, giving me a chance to save the more creative pursuits for later in the day when I’m at my creative best. I have higher-reaching goals for my businesses this year, branching into new territories and increasing income to better support our future endeavors. But mostly I have a goal to be a kinder, more patient, fearless woman who is filled to the brim with gumption in everything she does. Out of all the years, I think 2018 is going to be the best one yet!
I love it that The Lord and the Word come first. You can only go on the right path if you start from there. Stay blessed.