Well friends, here we are in the double digits! I say it every week, but I really can’t believe how quickly it’s all gone. It truly does feel like just a few days ago I was going into labor and so unsure of how it was going to go. Now Austin is 10 weeks old, Wes is done with school for the summer, and I’m still trying to figure out how in the world I was trusted with two such great kids!
Austin is now out of size 1 diapers and my brain is exploding. I say that…I’m still putting a few more on him to finish up a pack because diapers are stupid expensive and I don’t want to waste a single one! And at the moment we’re going through about 10 outfits a day and doing laundry on the regular to keep his messy self clean. I totally forgot how unpredictable babies can be when it comes to diaper-related messes! I think the size 2’s will help that situation, but man alive. No wonder we have tons of 3-month clothes!
Oh, yeah, my 10-week-old baby is pushing his way out of 3-month clothes at the moment. At church yesterday no fewer than 5 people thought he was at least 4-5 months old because he’s so big. I always laugh and say that we grow ’em big at our house, but I’m seriously in shock at how huge he is. And I’m eating up the rolls and chub because really, is there anything better than sweet baby rolls? The answer is no…no there is not 🙂
Developmentally we are right on track, and go in this week for the 2-month appointment. It seems like overnight he just started holding his head up for long periods of time without fussing (for a while) and is kicking his legs like crazy. Yesterday he noticed a toy overhead and I could tell he was trying to bat at it, but we’re not there just yet. But wait til tomorrow…he’ll probably have it down pat then. Watching my boys learn and develop and grow is one of the absolute sweetest parts of being a mom. They amaze me every day with how incredibly smart and strong they are!
I’ve been talking the past couple of weeks about getting Austin to sleep in something other than his swing and/or rock & play, but it hasn’t happened yet. That’s not for lack of trying though! Earlier in the week I was hit with a sinus situation (not a full-blown infection, but just some overall ickyness) so I didn’t try that hard then because we all just needed rest. But toward the end of the week I was trying to put him down in his crib for naps and the dude was having NOTHING to do with it. We never had this issue with Weston, so I’m totally at a loss. Any tips/hints on how to move a baby to his crib?
As for me I finally got around to planning healthier meals and making smarter food choices this week. I don’t weigh myself, but I’ve definitely noticed that my clothes don’t fit the way that they should by this point. That, coupled with the knowledge of how I’ve been eating, made me just feel blah and gross and I knew that the only thing to do was change my diet. I did a great job this past week of eating more raw fruits and veggies and lean protein, but definitely still need to check the portion sizes a bit more. No big deal, but it’s amazing how eating better can instigate all other good things. I need to remember that, right? 🙂
For exercise I’ve been trying to get the boys outside first thing in the morning by going on long walks through our neighborhood. It gives Austin a good nap in the stroller, and Wes enjoys walking and riding (and running and climbing and jumping) the whole way. We have the Joovy Caboose Stand-On Tandem stroller and I’m really liking it so far. I think it’ll be a better fit when we don’t have to use the car seat for Austin to ride in it, but that’s the case with every stroller anyway. It’s working well for us now though, and I’m just glad that we went ahead and registered for a double stroller. Initially I was thinking we wouldn’t need one and that Wes could just walk everywhere, but after a while I realized that longer outings would mean he’d need to rest from time to time. Anyway, walking these crazy Arkansas hills with two kids and a double stroller is no joke, and by the time we get home we’re all beat and ready for a nap!
There are a few new things I’m working on work-wise that I’m beyond excited about. For a while when I was pregnant I was too tired to care about starting new projects and/or just uninspired. I don’t know if it’s the effects of Spring or the fact that now I know what this new life with two kids entails, but I’m excited to start new projects and work with new companies and really dig into my identity as a working mom. That’s not all I am, but I’m excited to really embrace that role anew!
Here’s to another amazing week with my guys!
PS: For some reason I can never see the comments to the posts – any idea why?
Oh, that’s a great idea Marie-Sophie! I think you’re right, his little rock & play is comfy and cozy so mimicking that would probably help quite a bit!
On the comments…I am working on figuring out a fix for a theme update issue I had a while back. It’s kind of low on the list at the moment though 🙂
Time is moving so fast with babies growing up! I guess that Austin might habe gotten used to (or simply just likes) the snuggly fit of the swing etc and maybe also the slight incline. Before putting him in his crib,roll up a towel and putit under the matress so the head side is slightly reclined.And you could try and mimic the snug feeling by putting a (breathable) sheet up just above his head just to give him the feeling of being in a smaller space,like in the womb. Let me know if it works!
Oh my goodness those cheeks! Chubby babies are the best!